God Is Good Ministries was founded on April 11, 2004 by Pastors Ana & Frank Benitez in the YMCA in Orlando, Florida. The church began with five people. God Is Good Ministries is growing and continues to grow.
We are a non-denominational and multi-cultural church. We believe that God is bringing men, women and children together for the purpose of establishing the Kingdom of God in every heart.
A year after being in the YMCA, we were informed that we needed to relocate temporarily because they were going to go through construction for the purpose of renovation. Therefore, we were forced to look elsewhere to worship. The Lord opened a door for us shortly thereafter in a small plaza and we were able to share a church with a pastor that we had met. Through this pastor the Lord was very gracious to us. About a year later we were able to obtain our very own place of worship.
In this same plaza, we have moved from suite to suite five different times in six years because the Lord has blessed us with a bigger place each time. In 2009, in the same plaza in the rear of the building, the Lord opened another door for us to worship. This location was already a church that had moved out. We now worship in a spacious area of about 6000 square feet. We now have classrooms for the children in their age group, a fellowship hall, a sound room, an office and so much more. GOD IS GOOD!!!
Each time we moved, we were challenged in our faith. Every year since the ministry started we have seen the hand of God move in a very special way. Not only doing things in the Spirit but also in the natural.
When we began the ministry we started with two microphones and a small sound system. The Lord has blessed us with more sophisticated equipment. We remember the first year of the ministry where all we could afford was to record on cassettes. As we said before, the Lord has blessed us with more advanced technology.
The Grace of God has been so wonderful! We now have an Associate Pastor and Elders that help us with the vision that God has given us. We have the different ministries within the ministry that are in full operation and growing; Praise and worship Ministry, Dance Ministry, Hospitality Ministry, Women's Ministry, Children's Ministry, CD Ministry and so on.
Just as every ministry continues to grow, we are also in the process of growth and we are looking forward to establish even more ministries in the near future.